in Bad Latin, Language, Reception

Bad jewelry Latin

Bad Latin really tries my patience.

Bad Latin really tries my patience.

I love finding Latin in unexpected places.  That being said, it spoils the effect if the Latin is incorrect!  While shopping today I saw this Jessica Kagan Cushman bracelet, original price: $125.   It says: QUOSQUE TANDEM ABUTERE PATIENTIA NOSTRA?, which is nonsense.  She was trying to quote Cicero’s First Catilinarian, which begins: Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?, or (roughly) “How long will you abuse our patience, Catiline?  The bracelet’s “quosque” is meaningless in the context, since abutere takes the ablative.  I would suggest, Ms. Cushman, next time you quote a Latin phrase, that you double-check your source before production.